
Where can I view ITS billing statements and service listings?

  • ITS billing statements are available on PCR 360.

How can I get information to use the ITS billing statements and services page?

Why are some budgets showing charges and some not?

  • Budgets will show a charge for long distance service and any one-time fees. Budgets that are active, but showing no monthly charge, are maintained to help departments and ITS track those phones that are still active but have no recurring monthly charge.

Do I still need to report budget changes on services since there are no charges for them now?

  • Yes. This helps the department and ITS track active phones even if they do not have a monthly recurring charge.

How do long distance charges show up on my invoice?

  • Long distance charges are billed as pass through charges from our long distance carrier by telephone number and coded to object, sub-object 03DS. All taxes from the long distance carrier associated with those calls are included in this charge.

Will there be any change with how I request service from ITS?

Who do I contact for information on my account?

Please email its.ldbilling@wsu.edu or contact Crimson Service Desk at crimsonservicedesk@wsu.edu or 509-335-4357.


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