
User reports issues with accessing First Day course materials.

(A sample First Day email that would have been delivered to students is included below for reference)


First Steps:

A student who has a First Day issue should contact
Students should provide their full name, email, student ID, Washington State, campus, course (Acctg230), section. 

If it is impacting multiple students, we encourage the instructor to reach out directly to the Bookie.
They can ask the instructor a couple of key questions to make sure the course was set up correctly.

Possible Causes:

Nearly all of the students who experience issues fall into a few categories. 

1–opted out and needed to opt back in. This can be problematic as the system is set to provide access initially. Once a student opts out, their license to use the product is revoked. Currently getting it reinstated is a manual process for some publishers that involves bookstore partners in IT at Barnes & Noble, VitalSource, and the publisher. 

2–changed sections/added course. For these students it just takes time. The secure file transfers to BNC and then transfers between parties to get to publisher. It can take 48-72 hours to get access as the data transfers. 

3–student already has publisher profile.  This occurs when the profile generated by First Day and a profile that already exists with the publisher become tied. It can cause internet history or cache issues as the two profiles exist in the same space. This is something that can only be fixed by the publisher combining accounts. 

4-the wrong material mapped in addition to actual material. This is uncommon and when occurring, has the most students impacted. A recent instance was tied to a data file issue. It took a little time to get this one fixed as the issue had to be located in the data file. Student access to their actual material wasn't impacted, but they had access to something they hadn't paid for and were showing in an active class roster(instructor impact). 

Sample Email sent to First Day Users:

Sent: Monday, August 22, 2022 7:12 AM
To: Cougar, Butch 
Subject: Your First Day Inclusive Access Materials Are Available


This email is to notify you that select courses for which you are enrolled will be participating in the First Day® inclusive access program. The materials for your course(s) are now available in digital format through the LMS, and the cost will be reflected on your student account.

To access your materials, use the “Course Materials” link within your course in the LMS.

Benefits of Inclusive Access: 
• Lower price than traditional purchase 
• Guaranteed to get the right materials for your course 
• Seamless digital access 
• Option to opt out before deadline

Need to access outside of your school’s learning management system?

Simply launch the content within the course for the first time and an account will automatically be created for you on Barnes & Noble College’s Yuzu platform. After your initial launch, you can navigate to the link below and select forgot password to access your account.

If you do not wish to participate in the program, you can choose to opt out within your LMS by the deadline. Opting out is not recommended, and you will be responsible for purchasing your materials and may have to work outside of the course. To opt out, use the “Course Materials” link in your LMS.

If you need assistance or have questions, please contact Customer Care. 
• For FAQs or to open a support ticket, visit: 
• Email: or reply to this email 
• Phone: 844-9-EBOOKS (844-932-6657)

Thank you, 
The Bookstore

2020, Barnes & Noble College Booksellers, LLC. 120 Mountainview Boulevard, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

Note: If you are enrolled in courses with different schedules and opt-out deadlines, you may receive another email outlining your courses. 

You’re currently assigned to the following First Day materials:

Term/Session Name: 2227-PULLM – 2022-08-22 – 2022-12-16 
Course: ACCTG 330 01 Title: Connect Online Access for Intermediate Accounting 
Price: $126.85 
Access Length: 540 days 
Opt-out Deadline: Sep 5, 2022 

Term/Session Name: 2227-PULLM – 2022-08-22 – 2022-12-16 
Course: FIN 481 01 Title: MyLab Finance for Multinational Business Finance + Third Party eBook (Inclusive Access) 
Price: $110.52 
Access Length: Perpetual 
Opt-out Deadline: Sep 5, 2022 

This message was sent on behalf of the First Day program at Barnes & Noble College – Washington State University.

General Manager

The Bookie, BNC locations 50/51/52/53

Washington State University 

Office: 509-332-2537 ex. 109