How to Add Affiliations for a User
Affiliations are the resolution of what once was called Associate Type in our old system. We are now using the Affiliate codes to start the NID creation process for users.
Before an Affiliation can be added, the person record associated with the ID must have a Date of Birth and a personal email address associated with it.
To add or update an affiliation code, there are just a few easy steps to follow:

  1. Navigate to Main Menu> Campus Community> Affiliation> Add/Update Affiliations
  2. Enter the EMPL ID (9 digit) and SEARCH
  3. Once in the tool, this is the view:

Enter your ID, if there are already affiliations associated with the ID you will see the next view. With that view simply use the Add button to add a new row and make an update.

If there are no affiliates on the ID you will see this-

Select the Add A New Value button

Click on the Add Affiliation Code button

That will bring you to the table to be updated. It is important that you set the start date as today's date so the NID creation process can start. Some Affiliations do not require the lengthy time line, as an example, Visiting Scholars should only have access while they are at WSU (i.e. weeks or months), Future Employee Affiliations should only have a time frame of up to 10 days, or 3 to 4 days past the initial hire date. The most common need for the Future Employee affiliation is to start the NID creation process BEFORE the person's first day of work. Whereas other affiliations may last for a semester up to 3 years depending on the type.

Use the looking glass to find the Affiliate code that is the most appropriate for this individual.  For a list of all WSU Affiliations see the myWSU Affiliation List. (Note: some Affiliations only grant a Network ID, while others also grant an Office 365 Mailbox.)

After selecting the affiliation, enter the begin date. This is the date that drives the NID creation process and sends the Okta invitation to the user. Next enter the end date and change Descriptor to Active.

Once all the appropriate fields have been updated, be sure to save your changes.

To request for access to add affiliates, or for any general questions, please navigate to the Crimson Service Desk portal at, or email

Related Articles:

myWSU Affiliation List