Mass Select Charges
Navigation: Student financials>charges and payments>group processing>mass select transactions

Click Add a New Value and then create your own Run Control ID. This can be a number or a unique name relating to your Mass Transactions.

Uncheck the box for "Balancing the Group".
Enter the appropriate Group Type (Click on the spy glass if you're unsure).
Enter the appropriate Origin ID (Click on the spy glass if you're unsure).
Enter the Type of Group and Transaction Type (Use drop down menus is you're unsure).
Select External File in the Selection Tool.

Click Upload File and then click Browse to the location of the file you want to upload.

Now you are ready to create your file mapping.

Name your file map and then select Delimited for the File Type. Check the box for Header Row and input 1 in the Header Row Number Box. Then Click on the icon so you can see all the fields in one screen. For the Billing and Due Date fields, there needs to be a field format. We most commonly use "'MMDDYYY" and a forward slash as a date separator.

Fill in the File Column Header with the appropriate names correlating with your text file columns you are uploading. Then fill in the field number with the column order they are in the text file you are uploading. Any other boxes that don't correlate with titles in your file can just be numbered in numerical order after the ones you're using. For example this text file did not use the Refund_EMPLID so that box was numbered with 9. Click OK.

After clicking OK, you will be back at the Run Control page. Click the spy glass to select the File Mapping you have just created. Click Run.

Select Server Name: PSUNX from the drop down menu. Next make sure the box is checked (As a general rule, we typically check the boxes on all files that are not underlined). Click OK.

Once you have clicked ok and it directs you back to the Run Control page, you will click Process Monitor.

Your most recent file will be the top row of the Process List of this page. You will want to click refresh every 10-15 seconds until the Run Status is Success and the Distribution is Posted. Click Details. (If you see No Success there has been an error in your upload and Details will indicate what went wrong in the process).

Click View Log/Trace

Then Click on file you have just uploaded.

You should see a Group Number created and it ended normally. Copy this Group Number to use in the next step.

Follow the Navigation: Student financials>charges and payments>group processing>post transactions

Enter P for Parking Transactions like you did a few steps back and then paste your Group ID from step 17. Click Run.

Confirm your server is still PSUNX. Check the two boxes that do not have an underlined description, wait to make sure the boxes stay checked after your selection and then click OK.

Once you have clicked ok and it directs you back to the Run Control page, you will click Process Monitor.
Your most recent file will be the top row of the Process List of this page. You will want to click refresh every 10-15 seconds until the Run Status is Success and the Distribution is Posted. Click Details. (If you see No Success there has been an error in your upload and Details will indicate what went wrong in the process).

Click View Log/Trace

Then Click on file you have just uploaded.

You should see your Group ID and Work Committed under each Group Line on tab that opened.