You can export a Canvas course to give to someone in another Canvas account, to upload to another institution's account at a later date, or to create a copy as a backup on your local computer. You can import an export file into Canvas at any time.

Note: If you would like to use Global Campus course content for another campus, you will need to request as a “borrowed course”. 
For the legal and logistical implications mentioned in the borrowed course article, please do not complete the course copy without processing through Global Campus.

Canvas exports do not include backups of student interactions and grades. Grades can be exported separately as a comma separated values (CSV) file.
Some external app LTI tools such as Google Drive and Office 365 do not retain tool configurations in exported courses. You may consider copying the course instead.

Import/Export Solutions:

  1. Please review this Canvas Instructor Guide for more information on how to export a Canvas course.

  2. Please review this Canvas Instructor Guide for more information on how to import a Canvas Export Package.