To sync your grades from Canvas to myWSU (Final grades only), please visit: Final Grade Submissions - Canvas LMS

How Instructors Submit Grades in myWSU (Mid-term or Final)

Deadline to Submit Midterm Grades via myWSU: Wednesday of week 8 by 5:00pm

Deadline to Submit Final Grades via myWSU: Tuesday after final exams week by 5pm.

Access to the Grade Roster in myWSU is granted by subject/prefix with the role WSU CM SR59 - Post Grades.

Access to the gradebook in Canvas is granted by class using Maintain LMS Users and the role "Administrative Support". More information about access to grading.


Navigations to Grade Roster

  • Faculty: myWSU > Faculty Center > My Schedule tab. This will present every course for grading.
  • TAs: myWSU > Main Menu > Self Service > Faculty Center > My Schedule.
  • Department Coordinators with role SR 59: myWSU > Curriculum Management > Grading > Grade Roster.


How to Submit Midterm/Final Grades in myWSU:

Navigation to the Midterm Grade Roster: Faculty should go to Faculty Center, and then choose the My Schedule tab.  This will present every class for grading.  TAs or others will need to find the Faculty Center by going to Main Menu > Self Service > Faculty Center > My Schedule. 

Grading: Click on the Grade Roster icon to the left of the class you wish to grade. Once ALL grades have been entered for ALL students listed on the grade roster, change the approval status to APPROVED and click SAVE.  

  • If ALL grades have NOT been entered for ALL students listed on the grade roster, click SAVE. This will save the grades that have been entered.  Keep the approval status as NOT REVIEWED. You can return later to enter additional grades.   
    • Once ALL grades have been entered for ALL students listed on the grade roster, change the status to APPROVED and click SAVE.   

Grade Submission Message: A message will appear once the status is changed to APPROVED and click SAVE. The message displays: “You have successfully submitted your midterm grades”.   

  • If ALL grades have not been entered for ALL students listed on the grade roster, you can NOT change the status to APPROVED; this includes classes taught by multiple instructors.  
    • Once ALL grades have been entered for ALL students listed on the grade roster, change the status to APPROVED and click SAVE. The message will appear as noted above. 

Students Who Have Withdrawn from a Class: Midterm grade rosters contain every student enrolled in the class, including those who have withdrawn (dropped after 30th day). Students who have withdrawn will have a W grade already posted on the grade roster. 

Students Who Are Auditing a Class: Provide the ‘AU” (which stands for audit), using the drop-down menu.  


Manual Grade Entry:

  1. Click on the Faculty Center tile. This should take you to My Schedule.

       2. Click on the drop-down menu next to the student's name and enter the grade. Continue down the list using the drop-down menu to select the letter grade.

       3. When finished grading, click the drop-down arrow under the Grade Roster Action.

You have successfully submitted your grades.

Loading grades using a .csv file.
To load your grades using a .csv file you will use the steps listed above except you will choose the upload grades to students in this class button.
Step 1.

Step 2.
Choose the browse button and find your saved .csv file and select it.

Step 3.

Step 4.
Upload the file.

Step 5.

If it didn't work, it is most likely your file didn't hold the 0 in the front of the student's ID. Go to the section on Creating a CSV file and follow the steps. If successful, continue with the following instructions.
Step 6.

Step 7.


Creating a .CSV File.

You need to create an Excel file with only 2 columns. One for ID's and the second for the grade. You can change Column A to be in text format and that will hold the 0 in the front of student ID by changing it from General to Text and you can then skip steps 2 through 9.
Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4.

Step 5.

Step 6.

Step 7.

Step 8.

Step 9.

Step 10.

Step 11.

Step 12.

Step 13.

Step 14.

Step 15.

Step 16.

Step 17.

Step 18.

Step 19. Go back to the top of this how to and load the grades.

You are now ready to upload the grades.