
An instructor would like to use learning outcomes in Canvas.


Course Level Outcomes

Course-level outcomes are available, and these can be imported into a course using a csv formatted file. Using the import method facilitates the use of a standardized set of outcomes within a given course or subject area. Being course specific, the validity of Outcomes reporting is not compromised by activities of other instructors and departments, thereby increasing their value.

More detail on Course Outcomes can be found in the Canvas Instructor guides for which links are provided below.

How do I use the outcomes page in a course?

How do I create an outcome for a course?

How do I create outcome groups for a course?

How do I import outcomes for a course?

How do I use the Learning Mastery Gradebook to view outcome results in a course from the Gradebook?

Account Level Outcomes

Account-level Outcomes are not currently available for use in Canvas. The account structure used in the WSU instance of Canvas does not have distinct sub-accounts for specific departments, and instead holds all subjects in a common root account. While testing it was determined that Outcomes could be stored in different folders in the root account, but there is no means of governance that would restrict other departments or instructors from using or editing the outcomes. Due to this, the validity of outcomes reporting cannot be assured.