How does the Maintain LMS Course Spaces, Users, and Links pages function?
Maintain LMS Course Spaces
The Maintain LMS Course Spaces component can be found at the navigation below:
Here, users may search for a class based on the presented criteria. Users may also opt to search for combined sections only by checking the "Combined Section" checkbox.
The Maintain LMS Course Spaces page is the "source of truth" for myWSU LMS data.
Detailed below is an example screenshot of a merged section in myWSU. Each number on the image has a corresponding description of the function.
Merged Section Example
1 - Override Configuration: The Override Configuration checkbox allows for schedulers to edit the merging and LMS data of a course. Currently this information is copied from Maintain Schedule of Classes hourly. When the override is checked, the Schedule of Classes data will not override the information for that course. Data from Maintain Schedule of Classes is copied hourly.
2 - This section is Merged with the Following Sections: Table that displays the primary section (denoted by a checkmark that may be adjusted) in bold. When course spaces are merged, the parent course will display in the LMS with the merged courses appearing as sections within the LMS course shell.
3 - Merged Sections: Additional sections that are merged are also displayed in this table. If the course space in Canvas is a single section, no additional sections will be displayed. These sections may be flagged as a new primary section by checking the "Primary Section" checkbox.
4 - +/- Buttons: These options allow for users to elect to add and remove new sections through adding and removing rows. These new sections are added as a new merged section within the course.
5 - LMS: This dropdown represents LMS flag for the course. Currently Canvas is the only value in the list. The Canvas attribute needs to be populated for the course to be sent to Canvas (in addition to being active and approved).
6 - Send Waitlisted Students to LMS: When checked, waitlisted students will be fed to the LMS (up until the ninth day of instruction).
8 - Override LMS Sub Account (Currently Inactive): When selected, users may override the default sub account by adjusting the value found in field 11.
9 - Is a Borrowed Section: For AOI use only. AOI utilizes this field to set a borrowed course in the AOI sub account. For more information see the Borrowed Courses articles.
7/10 - Override End Date in LMS and Extend End Date By: When field 10 is checked, users may adjust the drop down in field 13 to extend the end date of a course. Options are one, two, three, and four year extensions.
11 - Sub Account: Displays the sub account of the course calculated based on course attributes. Courses in the AOI sub account are limited to select users.
Combined Section Example
Combined Sections display similar configuration options, but instead display the various classes existing in the combined section. Combined Sections are defined in Curriculum Management - Combined Sections - Identify Combined Sections. Once a Combined Section has an identified Learning Management System attribute and Primary Instruction Section attribute it will be synced to the Maintain LMS Course Spaces page in about one hour. To maintain data consistency updates to the Primary Section in the Maintain LMS Course Spaces page will instantly be reflected in Identify Combined Sections. Updates to the Primary Section in the Identify Combined Sections page will be synced to Maintain LMS Course Spaces in about one hour.
Adding/removing sections to the Combined Section can be accomplished in two ways:
- Adjusting sections in Curriculum Management - Combined Sections - Identify Combined Sections.
- Combined Sections with a defined Primary Instruction Section and Learning Management System will be synced with Maintain LMS Course Space once every hour.
- Sections added at this location will also be added in Maintain LMS Course Spaces hourly when the sync is ran. Adding sections at this location adjust the root Combined Section.
- Removing sections at this location will remove the section from Identify Combined Sections, but not Maintain LMS Course Space when the hourly sync is ran.
- Adjusting sections in Maintain LMS Course Spaces.
- Sections added/removed in Maintain LMS Course Spaces will not sync back to Identify Combined Sections.
In addition, any section that is added to the combined section and flagged as a Primary Section will not sync back to Identify Combined Sections (as that section would be outside the root Combined Section and would not exist in Identify Combined Sections).
- Sections added and flagged as Primary Sections outside of the root Combined Section will only be reflected in the LMS.
The table on the "Maintain LMS Course Spaces" page can be used to set the primary section, LMS attribute, and add additional sections. To add sections to the root Combined Section select the "View Combined Section Details link" highlighted in image above.
Flagging and Merging Courses in Canvas
Documentation for Flagging and Merging Course in Canvas can be found here.
Maintain LMS Users
The "Maintain LMS Users" page also located under "Schedule of Classes" can be utilized to add additional users to the course.
These users are not included in the class roster. Descriptions for each role can be found on the page itself.
Grade Access
Users entered in Maintain LMS Users as "Admin Support" will receive access to the Grade Roster via Faculty Center on the myWSU Homepage. Please allow 1-2 hours after entering a user in this role for access to apply.
If myWSU Grade Roster access is not desired, the role "Admin Support No Grade Access" may be used instead.
If a user needs access to a Canvas course space prior to the previous term, "Content Reviewer" (Read only Instructor, no gradebook access) will provide access to any term since Fall 2021.
Please Note - Incompletes should only be added for current active courses. If a student is added as an incomplete to a course that has ended (including sessions that have ended in the current semester) the course would no longer be available to the student. Requests for adding students to previously completed courses can be submitted as a ticket to
Maintain LMS Links
The "Maintain LMS Links" page located under "Schedule of Classes" can be utilized to add links be displayed in the myWSU schedule of classes.
After defining a class section in the search, users may then add the label they wish to display on the class schedule, as well as the link of this label.
These links will then be displayed in the myWSU schedule of classes for students enrolled in the section. Student can access their class schedule via the "Manage Classes" Tile, then the "Weekly Schedule" option on the left hand menu.
An example schedule is shown below with the links configured in Maintain LMS Links presented in blue.
Please note: URLs may be rolled between terms using the "Copy Class LMS Data" configuration page described in the "LMS Data Configuration Pages" section (below) of this document.
Update Access
- WSU CS SR 01 Lead
- WSU CS SR 04 CM Sched Editor
- WSU CS SR 41 Dept Coll Proofer
- WSU CS SR 42 Academic Schedule
Read-Only Access
- WSU CS SR 46 Dept Coll Approver
LMS Data Configuration Pages
1 - Copy Class LMS Data: Utilized by campus and department schedulers. This configuration page allows for a user to copy forward LMS data entered from term to term. The selected courses, subject, and attributes may all be configured in a run control.
2 - Sync Class Data with LMS: Run control scheduled to copy Maintain Schedule of Classes data to the LMS Data component hourly. For the selected terms, LMS related data from Maintain Schedule of Classes will be copied to the LMS Data component.
3 - LMS Account Table: Configuration component to restrict access to a select sub account as needed.