- Click on the Computer shortcut from your desktop or from the Start Menu
- Along the top of the Computer window, look for the "Map network drive" button and click on it
- In the Map Network Drive window, choose a drive letter (this can be anything beyond the first few letters of the alphabet, though some departments refer to their share by a particular letter)
- In the "Folder" line, enter the path to the share (likely provided to you in an email from IT.) The path should look something like \\van-fileprint.vancouver.wsu.edu\CAS.
- Make sure the "reconnect at logon" button is checked and click Finish
- This new folder is now listed among other available drives (your C drive, thumb drives, etc) in the Computer window
Note: If you are not logged in to the computer with your network ID, you will need to click the "Connect using a different user name" link in the Map Network Drive window. In the window that comes up, type your network ID and password, then click OK. That will return you to the Map Network Drive window, so click Finish.
If you can't connect:
- File shares are only accessible from computers that are plugged in to the campus network or, on wireless, by users on the WSU Wireless network who have appropriate permissions. You can also connect from off-campus if you first connect via VPN.
- To connect, your network ID must among those listed in the server permissions for that folder. These permissions are maintained by Vancouver IT. If you need access, you may request it by emailing van.evita@wsu.edu (link sends e-mail) or filling out a work request.
- If you have already been given access, double-check that the path you entered is correct.
- If you've changed your network ID password recently, make sure you're entering the new password.
- If you've tried those things and still can't get in, let us know and we'll be happy to help!