Table of Contents

What Do I Need

1) You need to have money on your VCEA Papercut print account. (Print accounts are unique to VCEA and is not CougPrints)

2) Make sure you have exported your file as a PDF using the Press Quality Preset. - See Tutorials in 301/425

  • Save your file to a USB thumb drive or upload to the Cloud. (One Drive, Email, etc)

3) Login to a computer in an SDC lab, Carp 425 or Carp 301 using your WSU username (w/o at the end)

4) Open your file via flash drive or cloud using Adobe Acrobat. (Other apps will work but not recommended.)

5) Print your file. If your printer is not available / installed, install it - See Note Below.

Make sure to double check:

A) Paper Size (create custom size for plotting)

B) Orientation (Portrait/Landscape)

C) Auto Rotation (make sure you maximize paper width and save $$$) - See Tutorials in 301/425

Did You Encounter a Problem?

A) Refer back to step 1. - If you don't have funds, you can submit the print job, but it won't actually print.

B) Did you select the correct paper size?  - We don't have A3/A4/legal/etc and the printer will complain if chosen.

How To Install Printers

SDC Owned Machines

....if the printer is not already installed on the machine.

1) Look on the Windows “Desktop
2) Click on the “Add Printer” icon.
3) Double-click on printer name to install and close the window.


1) Go to “Start
2) Type “\\\SDC” in the “Search Programs and Files” dialog box and hit “Enter
3) Double-click on printer name to install and close the window.

Personal Windows Device

To use your own Windows machine SDC - Printing on a not WSU Owned Windows Machine 

Personal Apple Device

Personal Apple devices are not supported.  Please use the SDC owned machines. 

Printer Names and Cost

301CARP_301_HP_LJ5200 (B&W)8.5x11 + 11x17 (2 Sided)8.5x11=$0.05    11x17=$0.10
301CARP_301_HP_CP5520 (Color)8.5x11 + 11x17 (2 Sided)8.5x11=$0.25    11x17=$0.50
425CARP_425_HP_LJ5100 (B&W)8.5x11 + 11x17 (2 Sided)8.5x11=$0.05    11x17=$0.10
425CARP_425_Color_HP_CP5520 (Color)8.5x11 + 11x17 (2 Sided)8.5x11=$0.25    11x17=$0.50
425CARP_425_HP_DJ7100C_42in_BONDBond Paper (42" Roll)$1.75 | LnFT
425CARP_425_PageWide_36in_BondBond Paper (36" Roll)$1.75 | LnFT
425CARP_425_PageWide_40in_GLOSSSemi-Gloss Paper (40" Roll)$3.00 | LnFt

Paper SizeCost
8.5x11 (Letter)$0.05 (B&W)                         $0.25 (Color)
11x17 (Ledger)$0.10 (B&W)                         $0.50 (Color)
Plotter$1.75/linear ft (Bond)           $3.00/linear ft (Gloss)

How To Calculate Plotter Print Cost
