Printing to the WSU Everett Copiers from a Non-WSU device including:
- Personal Laptop
- Mac
- iOS
- Android
- Chromebook
- WSU Network ID
- Associated with a WSU Everett Group
- Everett.Staff
- Everett.Faculty
- Everett.Student
- Associated with a WSU Everett Group
- WSU Friend ID
- Created by WSU Everett IT:
- EUC Partner accounts are generated automatically every quarter.
- Connection to a WSU Wireless Network
- WSU Wireless
- WSU Managed
- eduroam
- WSU Guest (Pending Security Review)
- Any Full-Tunnel VPN Disabled
- WSU ID Card (Optional)
- Instructions available here:
Option 1 - WSU Everett WebPrint
- Navigate to
- Log in using your Network ID or Friend ID
- Select Web Print
- Upload a document in the required format
- Submit document
- Print Server will spool the document into a secure-release queue
- Secure-Release queue will purge the document after 30 minutes
- Print Server will spool the document into a secure-release queue
- Release the print at one of the four Copiers on campus
Option 2 - WSU Everett Mobility Print
- Navigate to
- Your device type will be auto-detected
- Download the Mobility Print tool
- You will likely get a Security Prompt for a "Potentially Dangerous" download
- Run the installer
- Local Admin will be required
- Two print queues will be added to your computer
- WSUE-Public-Print - Quick Printing
- WSU_Color_Canon - Extra print driver features
- Print a document to either printer
- Print Server will spool the document into a secure-release queue
- Secure-Release queue will purge the document after 30 minutes
- Print Server will spool the document into a secure-release queue
- Release any print at one of the four Copiers on campus