
Using the printers on the WSU Everett campus.


Logging into a campus Windows computer will provide: WSUE-Public-Print on EVT-PRI-02

WSU_Color_Canon on EVT-PRI-02 can be added with WSUE IT assistance:

Non-WSU Computer printing instructions:

Log in to the printer using either:

  • WSU ID number with a leading Zero: 011######
  • Provided WSU Everett 5 digit printing code
  • Tapping your WSU ID Card on the marked space next to the screen
    • This may require setup here:

You will be prompted to select a charge account, then release the print.

Copiers are located:

  • 2nd Floor Student Success Center
  • 2nd Floor Mail Room
  • 3rd Floor Mail Room
  • 4th Floor Mail Room