1. Enrollment Policy Overview

a. Master’s Degree Students

Master's degree students must enroll for a minimum of 2 credits every fall and spring semester until they complete all degree requirements (Chapter 5.A.2). If they cannot enroll, they must obtain approved graduate leave (Chapter 5.A.6) or internship leave status (Chapter 5.A.7). Students who fail to enroll or secure approved leave for up to two consecutive semesters (excluding summer) are considered to have an unapproved absence. They may reenroll by paying a non-refundable processing fee and obtaining departmental approval, which is not guaranteed (Chapter 5.A.3). However, students with unapproved absences for three consecutive semesters (excluding summer) will be discontinued from the Graduate School and must reapply to the university and be accepted by the program to resume their studies (Chapter 5.A.4).

b. Doctoral Students

i. Prior to preliminary exams

Doctoral students must enroll for a minimum of 2 credits every fall and spring semester until they complete all degree requirements (Chapter 5.A.2). If they cannot enroll, they must obtain approved graduate leave (Chapter 5.A.6) or internship leave status (Chapter 5.A.7). Doctoral students who fail to enroll or secure approved leave for up to two consecutive semesters (excluding summer) are considered to have an unapproved absence. They may reenroll by paying a non-refundable processing fee and obtaining departmental approval, which is not guaranteed (Chapter 5.A.3). However, students with unapproved absences for three consecutive semesters (excluding summer) will be discontinued from the Graduate School and must reapply to the university and be accepted by the program to resume their studies (Chapter 5.A.4).

ii. After successfully completing preliminary exams

Doctoral students must continue enrolling for research credits each semester until they defend their degree. There is a four-year time limitation from the preliminary exam date to degree completion. Students who have taken their preliminary exams, have met all their program requirements except completion of their dissertation, and do not have the funding to register for two or more research credits will be placed into Continuous Doctoral Status for a limited number of semesters. Students in Continuous Doctoral Status will be charged a $50/semester administrative fee and will have limited access to university resources. See Chapter 5.A.2 for detailed information about Continuous Doctoral Status.

c. Administrator’s Credential and Graduate Certificate Students

Administrator Credential and Graduate Certificate students, who are not considered advanced degree students, must adhere to specific enrollment policies. If absent for one semester or consecutive semesters not exceeding four (excluding summer), these students must complete the Request for Reenrollment form, obtain program approval, and pay a non-refundable processing fee before registering for classes. If absent for five consecutive semesters or more (excluding summer), they are required to reapply to the Graduate School, pay a non-refundable application fee, and be considered for readmission to the credential or certificate program (see Chapter 5.A.5). Students pursuing certificates or administrator credentials are eligible to apply for graduate leave.

2. Continuous Enrollment for Degree-Seeking Students

All full- and part-time degree-seeking graduate students at all campus locations must maintain continuous enrollment in the Graduate School, registering for each semester, excluding summer sessions, from the time of first enrollment until all degree requirements are completed.

Continuous enrollment is maintained by registering for a minimum of 2 graduate credits per semester (excluding the summer).

International students who enroll for fewer than ten credits must be approved by the Office of International Programs, in consultation with the Graduate School, prior to part-time enrollment during the academic year.

Chapter 5.A.2.b notes exceptions to the continuous enrollment policy. Continuous doctoral status (CDS), explained in Chapter 5.A.2.a, meets the continuous enrollment requirement.

a. Continuous Doctoral Status (CDS)

Doctoral students who have completed their coursework, preliminary exams, and most of their research requirements but lack funding to register for research credits may be placed into CDS to meet the continuous enrollment requirement. Students must complete their degree within four years of passing their preliminary exam. CDS is not a substitute for the 800-research credit requirements.

    • Students in CDS are not enrolled for credit, which may affect their financial aid, federal loan requirements, and immigration status. International students must consult with the Office of International Programs before entering CDS.
    • Doctoral students in CDS are charged a $50 administrative fee each semester, granting them limited access to academic resources and university libraries. They may apply for WSU campus health services for up to one year by paying a health fee at the beginning of each semester.
    • Doctoral students who enroll for at least two credits will not have to pay the CDS fee for that semester. The $50 administrative fee will offset tuition costs.
    • Students in CDS do not need to complete a Request for Reenrollment form or pay a reenrollment fee to register for two credits to defend. They may need to contact the Graduate School to activate their enrollment status.
    • Students who opt out of CDS will be dismissed from the Graduate School. Readmission requires reapplying to the Graduate School and their program and is not guaranteed.
    • Failure to pay the $50 administrative fee for two consecutive semesters (excluding summer) may result in the student being dismissed by the Graduate School. Readmission will require payment of the unpaid administrative fees.
    • CDS may be waived for medical reasons, military service, Peace Corps service, or required internship leave. This period of leave from CDS is considered official leave, and the appropriate documentation must be submitted and approved in advance of the semester the student wishes to be on leave (Chapter 5.A.6, Official Leaves of Absence and Chapter 5.A.7, Internship Leave). Graduate leave does not extend the time limitations to complete the doctoral degree (Chapter 6.E).
    • CDS is included in the time limitations for completing a doctoral degree. Students have four calendar years from the date of successful completion of the preliminary exam to complete their degree (Chapter 6.E). They may be in CDS for a maximum of 7 semesters (excluding summer sessions) during this 4-year period. After seven semesters in CDS, students must enroll for two credits and defend their dissertation to complete their program. Students cannot be on CDS during extension periods. Those with approved extensions must follow specific enrollment requirements, which include a minimum of 2 research credits during one semester of their first extension and continuous enrollment in a minimum of 2 research credits during the fall and spring semesters of their second or third extensions (unless they complete their degree before the extension expires). Non-compliance with the CDS policy may result in dismissal from the program.

b. Exceptions to Continuous Enrollment

While degree-seeking graduate students typically enroll in credits every semester until degree completion, circumstances may prevent them from doing so. These circumstances may include illness, family issues, financial need, work, or other obligations. The exceptions to continuous enrollment outlined in this section address situations in which a degree-seeking student must be away from their studies and cannot enroll for credits. In such cases, students must complete the appropriate graduate leave or internship leave paperwork, obtain approval from their faculty advisor and the chair or director of their graduate program, department, or school, and submit the paperwork to the Graduate School before the semester they will be away. It is important to note that official leaves of absence, internship leave status, and unapproved absences are included in the time limits for degree completion.

    • Graduate Leave of Absence. Degree-seeking students in active status and good academic standing who must be away from campus for reasons such as medical issues, family obligations, job obligations, military service, or Peace Corps service, and who cannot maintain continuous enrollment in any given semester may apply for an official graduate leave of absence. Additional information and procedures can be found in Chapter 5.A.6. Doctoral students in CDS status may only be granted graduate leave for medical reasons, military service, or Peace Corps service. Students approved for graduate leave while in CDS status will not be charged the $50 administrative fee.
    • Internship Leave. Degree-seeking students who wish to pursue an internship approved by their program and do not need to register for credits during the internship period may apply for internship leave status. Information and procedures related to internship leave can be found in Chapter 5.A.7. Doctoral students in CDS status may only be granted internship leave if it is required by their program. Students approved for internship leave while in CDS status will not be charged the $50 administrative fee.

3. Reenrollment for a Degree-Seeking Student

A degree-seeking graduate student (who is not in CDS) who fails to maintain continuous enrollment or is not on approved graduate leave or internship leave status and is absent for one semester (excluding summer) must complete the Request for Reenrollment form before they can register for classes. The reenrollment process incurs a nonrefundable processing fee because the student is returning from an unapproved absence. As part of the reenrollment process, students must list any university-level coursework taken since their last enrollment at WSU. It is important to note that reenrollment also requires departmental approval and is not guaranteed.

Students enrolling after being in CDS status or on approved graduate leave or internship leave are not required to complete the Request for Reenrollment form or pay the reenrollment fee.

Please note that this reenrollment policy does not apply to doctoral students in continuous doctoral status.

4. Readmission for a Degree-Seeking Student

A degree-seeking graduate student who fails to maintain continuous enrollment or approved graduate leave or internship leave and is absent for two or more consecutive semesters (excluding summer) must reapply and pay a non-refundable application fee to the Graduate School if they wish to be considered for readmission to a program. It is important to note that readmission is not guaranteed. Doctoral students who drop out of continuous doctoral status (CDS) must also reapply and pay a non-refundable application fee to the Graduate School for readmission to a program.

5. Enrollment of Non-Degree Seeking Students

Non-degree-seeking students absent for one semester (excluding summer) must complete the Request for Reenrollment form and pay a non-refundable processing fee. They must also obtain departmental approval to re-enroll. The Request for Reenrollment form must be completed, and the non-refundable fee must be paid before the student can register for classes.

Non-degree-seeking students absent for two consecutive semesters (excluding summer) must reapply and pay a non-refundable application fee to the Graduate School if they wish to be considered for readmission to a program. Readmission is not guaranteed. It is important to note that non-degree seeking students are not eligible for graduate leave.

6. Official Graduate Leave of Absence

Official graduate leaves of absence are intended to provide students seeking a degree or certificate who are in active status and good academic standing with continuing services during their time away from campus for the reasons stated below. Students may not be enrolled during the semester(s) in which they have been approved for a graduate leave of absence, including medical leave. It is important to note that graduate leave, including medical leave, does not extend the time limitations for degree completion (see Chapter 6.E). Extensions must be requested according to Graduate School procedures (see Chapter 6.F).

a. Graduate Leave

Graduate leave is granted for students in active status (enrolled or in CDS) who must be away from their studies for one or more semesters due to personal, family, job, financial, military, or Peace Corps service or other compelling reasons. Only graduate leave for medical reasons, military service, and Peace Corps service is available to doctoral students in continuous doctoral status.

Students must apply for a graduate leave of absence through the Graduate School by completing the Application for Graduate Student Leave form no later than the 30th day of classes during the semester in which the leave is requested. If the student is not enrolled or in CDS, they must follow procedures to either reenroll or reapply to their program before a graduate leave request will be considered.

The leave must be approved by the student's advisory committee chair, the chair or director of the graduate program, department, or school, International Programs (for international F-1/J-1 students only), and the vice provost for graduate and professional education. A student may be on graduate leave for up to one calendar year during their studies but leave time may be extended for special circumstances (e.g., military and Peace Corps service) at the program's recommendation and the Graduate School's approval. Graduate leave beyond one calendar year during a student's studies is not guaranteed.

Graduate leave entitles students to maintain access to library services if needed. At the end of the leave, the student can reenroll for credits without completing the Request for Reenrollment form or paying the reenrollment fee. International students must submit information on their finances to the Graduate School if they require the issuance of new immigration documents (Form I-20/DS-2019). Students should contact the Cougar Health Services Insurance and Billing office for information related to health insurance options for the semester(s) on graduate leave.

b. Medical Leave

Medical leave is a special type of graduate leave that must be coordinated with the Graduate School, the student's program advisor and chair, International Programs (for international students only), and Cougar Health Services if the student seeks counseling regarding health insurance options during their leave.

Graduate students must submit the Application for Graduate Student Leave form and the Medical Leave documentation form to the program advisor, the chair or director of the graduate program, department, or school, and the Graduate School prior to the semester in which the medical leave is needed, unless the leave is an emergency.

This medical leave policy does not apply to specific program requirements or the terms and conditions of fellowships and other forms of financial aid. At the end of the leave, the student does not need to complete the Request for Reenrollment form or pay a reenrollment fee to reenroll in their program.

Medical leave is generally limited to one calendar year during a student's graduate studies. Students who require medical leave for more than one calendar year must obtain approval from their program and the Graduate School in advance to extend the leave beyond the first year. Extensions to medical leave are not guaranteed.

Medical leave is granted by semester and only applies to the semester(s) in which the student is not enrolled. Medical leave cannot begin mid-semester; if the student must leave school in mid-semester, the university's policies and procedures related to cancelation of enrollment, refunds, and continuation of benefits and other forms of financial aid apply for that semester. Students should contact the Cougar Health Services Insurance & Billing office for information related to health insurance options for the semester(s) on medical leave.

7. Internship Leave

Internship Leave entitles graduate students in good standing to be away from the university in a full-time internship while maintaining access to student health insurance, faculty and staff counsel, and use of the university libraries. Students do not need to be enrolled during the semester in which they have been approved for Internship Leave. International students should contact International Programs regarding enrollment requirements.

Internship leave entitles graduate students currently in the Graduate Student Assistant (GSA) plan to maintain their eligibility for the GSA student health insurance on a self-pay or department-pay basis. Internship leave is available for up to one semester and may continue for an additional semester if the internship is continuous and part of the student's official course of study. Extensions to internship leave beyond two consecutive semesters must be recommended in advance by the program and approved by the Graduate School. Extensions to internship leave are not guaranteed, and the student will not be eligible for student health insurance during the extension. Internship leave should be used by doctoral students who have completed all their program requirements except their final program-required internship.

  • To be eligible for internship leave, a graduate student must be approved for an internship by the student's advisory committee chair. The graduate student does not have to register for credit for the internship unless required by the program.
  • The student must have registered for and completed at least one semester as a graduate student at WSU before going on internship leave. Graduate students can apply for internship leave by completing the Internship Leave Approval form and submitting it to the vice provost for graduate and professional education one semester before the internship.
  • International students must consult with the Office of International Programs regarding employment eligibility. Internship leave through the Graduate School does not constitute employment authorization for immigration purposes.
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