1. University Requirements

General university requirements and descriptions for the student’s Program of Study are outlined in Chapter 6.G. In consultation with advisory committee members, the student's advisory committee chair should assist in developing the proposed Program of Study, which is then submitted to the chair or program director for approval. The chair or director ensures the program meets the minimum requirements of the specific graduate program and the Graduate School. The chair, graduate program director, or graduate program coordinator submits the Program of Study through the GRM to the Graduate School for approval.

The Program of Study for a master’s candidate should be submitted to the Graduate School as early as possible and no later than the beginning of the semester preceding the anticipated semester of graduation (e.g., for anticipated graduation in spring, submit the Program of Study no later than the beginning of the preceding fall semester).

For professionally oriented programs, the Program of Study may include predefined coursework required by their professional curriculum, subject to prior approval by the Faculty Senate and Graduate School. As noted, these programs may also have a predetermined advisory committee. In such cases, each student does not have an individual Program of Study, and the program director should submit a completed Program of Study: Professionally Oriented Cohort form. The chair or director is responsible for ensuring the Program of Study meets the minimum requirements of the respective professional graduate program and the Graduate School.

The following master’s program requirements represent the minimum Graduate School requirements for a master’s Program of Study. Individual graduate programs may have additional requirements. Not all coursework a graduate student completes needs to appear on their Program of Study. A full description of the program requirements for each degree should be provided in the respective graduate program’s Graduate Student Handbook.

Common Requirements for All Master’s Degrees

  • Minimum of 30 total credits
  • Courses taken for audit or on a Pass/Fail basis cannot be included on the Program of Study
  • Courses approved for graduate credit (numbered 500 or above) and graded A-F may be used as graded credits on the Program of Study
  • Any course on the Program of Study in which a grade of “C-” or below is earned must be repeated for graded credit and cannot be removed from the Program of Study
  • A final examination or ballot meeting is required, which may include an oral thesis defense, a discussion of a student project/portfolio, or a culminating experience and ballot meeting
  • At least two credits of research (700, 701, or 702, depending on degree type) are required in the term of the final examination or project
  • Seminars approved for graduate credit (numbered 500 or above) and graded other than Pass/Fail may be included in the master’s program

Master’s Program Requirements by Degree Type

RequirementThesis Master'sNon-thesis Master'sProfessionally Oriented Master's
Graded Coursework (A-F)21 credits minimum26 credits minimum26 credits minimum
Undergraduate Coursework AllowedUp to 6 credits (300-400 level)Up to 9 credits (300-400 level)Up to 9 credits (300-400 level)
Research Credit4 credits minimum of 700-level2 credits minimum of 702-level2 credits minimum of 701-level
Alternative OptionNoneNoneApproved 500-level capstone course
Total Credits30 credits minimum30 credits minimum30 credits minimum

2. Filing the Program of Study

After the graduate student completes the proposed Program of Study, it must be signed by each advisory committee member and submitted to the chair or director of the graduate program, department, or school, who ensures that it meets the program and Graduate School requirements. The chair, director, or the graduate program coordinator will submit the Program of Study to the Graduate School via the GRM module in myWSU for approval to ensure that it meets the Graduate School's minimum requirements. For professionally oriented master’s programs only, if using the cohort Program of Study, students do not sign the document. The chair/director will submit the completed form to the Graduate School via email to gradschool@wsu.edu.

Once approved, the Program of Study becomes the basis of the requirements for the master’s degree.

3. Changing the Program of Study

Changes made to the Program of Study must be documented on a Program Change form with approval by the chair of the master’s advisory committee and the chair or director of the program and submitted to the Graduate School via the GRM. If program changes are made, the Program Change form must be completed, signed, and submitted to the Graduate School before a student may submit an Application for Degree.

4. Fulfilling the Program of Study

Once approved, the master’s Program of Study becomes the basis for the degree requirements. It is a contract between the student, the advisory committee, and the Graduate School. Completed courses cannot be removed from the Program to avoid repeating courses with a C or to change the degree completion deadline.

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