Article 13 of the WSU/UAW Contract sets out workload expectations for assistantship and hourly appointments, including work assignments, training, and required meetings in the total workload.

ASEs with a 50% FTE appointment shall not be required to work more than an average of twenty (20) hours per week during their appointment period and shall not exceed thirty (30) hours in any given week except with the ASE's consent. For example, an ASE might work exactly 20 hours each week throughout their appointment period, or they may have a variable weekly workload where one week they work 15 hours, and the following week they work 25 hours. Such variability is permissible as long as the total hours average 20 hours per week over the entire appointment period. However, any variation must be approved by the ASE's supervisor.

1. Appointment Periods for Assistantships:

    • Fall semester: August 16 to December 31
    • Spring semester: January 1 to May 15
    • Academic year: August 16 to May 15

Supervisors are responsible for providing all ASEs with a sufficient and appropriate workload that enables them to meet the contractual workload requirements throughout their designated appointment period. This workload will be clearly outlined in their job description. For example, an ASE assigned as a Teaching Assistant may have duties not directly related to course instruction or support between the end of their assigned course and the end of the pay period. Duties could include, but are not limited to, supporting the department by course or lab development, supporting end-of-term academic organization, assisting in developing future course content, conducting literature reviews, or supporting their advisor's research or scholarship.

Supervisors are required to provide job descriptions at least two weeks before the beginning of the ASE's appointment period. These descriptions must include enough work and detailed workload expectations for the entirety of the appointment period. Supervisors must maintain open communication throughout the term to ensure the workload requirements are appropriately managed. ASEs should notify their supervisor promptly if they anticipate any issues meeting the workload expectation so that adjustments can be collaboratively made as needed.

If an ASE elects not to perform work necessary to meet contractual workload requirements, the ASE must notify their supervisor and use their accrued leave time. However, ASEs are not required to use leave time for regular university holidays that fall within their employment term.

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