If you think you have a site that needs a specific subdomain off of wsu.edu, please review the following policies.

Policies for new subdomains:

  1. As a rule, DNS requests should be under the organizational subdomain (creating them as necessary). For example, if Information Services wants a www prefix, then the appropriate DNS request is www.infotech.wsu.edu.
  2. If, however, a unit wishes to request an exception to this rule and wants to fall under the root domain of wsu.edu (www.wsu.edu in the previous example), the process is as follows:
    1. Submit, in writing, a request for exception giving justification as to why:
      1. Using the subdomain rule is unacceptable
      2. Why they  should be allowed to use that DNS name
      3. Why they believe no other WSU entity has an equal or greater legitimate right (nor or in the future) to that DNS name.
    2. The Director of University Web Communication, or their designee, will submit the request to the Web Advisory Committee to review and approve/decline the domain request.
  3. Requests originating from within IS under the authority of the CIO and/or the Deputy CIO, as well as the Director of University Web Communications (or their designee) are exempt from this process but accept full responsibility for any conflicts that may arise.