How do I determine if a course space is configured to create a Canvas shell?
To determine if a course is flagged to create a course shell in Canvas, follow the steps below:
Please Note - Courses can only be flagged for Canvas before the term begins. If the term has already began, please contact your WSU Campus Scheduler.
1. Navigate to the below page and search for the class in question:
2. In the "Basic Data" tab, confirm the "Approved Section" checkbox is checked.
3. In the "Enrollment Control" tab, confirm the "Class Status" is set to "Active".
4. Navigate to the below page and search for the class in question (page currently restricted to Campus Scheduler access):
5. Confirm the LMS is set to "Canvas"
WSU requires for a class to be active, approved, and flagged for Canvas for a course shell to be created.
Please note for AOI courses
You can make change requests in the notes field on the meetings tab for the course in MyWSU.
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