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When it comes to copying, updating, or in some other way moving your data around, there really is little that can compare to rsync.

As was discussed during the Aeolus batch/training seminars, we suggest using rsync to upload and manage your data within Aeolus. cp and mv don't always maintain permissions, attributes, file stability, et cetera while moving data across filesystem types or servers (especially across the network). If you are not satisfied with "cp -au", we suggest again rsync. In this tutorial, we will also be covering the use of screen a lite terminal emulator and tail a terminal printer. When in doubt, use/check the man page(s).

Learn about the Commands

Consider the following rsync options:

Consider the following screen options:

Consider the following tail options:

Run the Commands

The basic rsync command holds the following syntax:

rsync  [from] [to]
rsync  [source] [target]

Putting that all together, you should be able to do something along the lines of:

[aeolus #]: screen -S syncdata
[aeolus #]: mkdir ~/logs
[aeolus #]: rsync -haiv --progress /fastscratch/myDIR/mysubdir /data/myLAB/users/myDIR/ > ~/logs/syncdata.log

NOTE: trailing forward slash "/" will grab data in a directory or move data into a directory

NOTE: no trailing forward slash "/" will grab the directory or write on top of a directory

By typing CTRL + a, then separately "d" to detach the screen session, you will be returned to your previous shell.

To watch the progress of the data copy:

[aeolus #]: tail -f ~/logs/syncdata.log

Finish with the Commands

By typing CTRL + "c", you can kill the appending tail stream/view.

To list out active screen sessions, you can type the following:

[aeolus #]: screen -ls

Then to re-attach your previous screen session:

[aeolus #]: screen -R syncdata

Once in, by typing CTRL + "c", you will kill the current re-attached screen session.

NOTE: It will be up to you to check your log file for errors. Configured as above, rsync will not be able to copy files with read-only permissions (as it has to be written somewhere).

Bonus rsync Commands

WARNING: These are to only be exercised with extreme caution. If you get the paths wrong, rsync will do what you said and likely purge unintended data (that you have access to).

If the data that you were copying has been updated (more or less written to it) since you started the copy or your last copy, that's not an issue! You can just run an rsync as described above and then manually handle duplicate data, or you can use --delete-delay in your rsync command.

[aeolus #]: rsync -haiv --delete-delay --progress /fastscratch/myDIR/mysubdir /data/myLAB/users/myDIR/ > ~/logs/syncdata.log

Additionally, you can remove the data from the source, similarly to "mv" but better.

[aeolus #]: rsync -haiv --remove-source-files --progress /fastscratch/myDIR/mysubdir /data/myLAB/users/myDIR/ > ~/logs/syncdata.log

Using rsync over SSH (to replace scp)

Syntax is similar to scp, you add `` to either the source or destination you want to be remote. As an example, here it is as the destination for the first example from the beginning of the document. Don't forget to replace `user` with the user on the remote system that you want to connect as.

[aeolus #]: rsync -haiv --progress /fastscratch/myDIR/mysubdir > ~/logs/syncdata.log