The search page allows you to search your own and others notices.  To access, navigate to 'Search Notices' from menu.

Upon entering the Search page, notice that there are two search tabs, General and Advanced.  

General Search

General search provides a raw text search across the notices database. Type in what you would like to search for and click 'Search' or press Enter to submit a search.

The results will appear on the right hand column (or below if viewing on mobile device).

Advanced Search

Advanced search allows for searching with specific fields. For instance, if you wanted to search for notices sent out today, you can type in the Effective Date as today. 

Note: You do not have to fill out all fields in the advanced search. You could fill out only one or you could fill out all fields if you wanted a very limited search.


The results of your search will appear in the right hand column (or bottom of screen if on a mobile device). 

The diagrams are notice delivery statistics of the notices that resulted from the search. Below the diagrams are the notices that resulted from the search.

To view a notices information, click on the notice in the table. You will see a popup appear on the screen containing the notice's information.

To edit the information, click the 'Edit Notice' button on the bottom of the popup. Go to Update a Notice for one more information on editing a notice.

To exit the popup, click the 'X' in the top right corner. 

If your search does not come back with any results, an alert will appear on your screen: