Follow this guide when you need to set up a tier 2 workstation on a computer with a tier 1 operating system.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to the Server Manager, click on "Manage" in the top right corner and select "Add Roles and Features". From the roles and features available, select Hyper V. As you go through the prompts, it is fine to go with all the default settings. After the features are installed it will require a restart.

    Potential Blocker

    You will need local administrative rights to install the Hyper V roles and features.

  2. You will need an ISO image of the operating system you want to use. You can find them in the IT Transition folder in the file share UCOMM-FS1.
  3. You are going to need to create a computer object in Active Directory that will eventually be the Virtual Machine's network ID.
  4. You are also going to need to configure your virtual switch. Select the Virtual Switch Manager on the right side and select New Virtual Switch.

    Potential Blocker

    The ONT will have to be configured in such a way to allow this sort of network traffic. If the ONT has not been configured, you will need to place a request with NCO.

    1. Name it after the connection you are going to use appended with "Virtual Switch".
    2. Select "External Network", select your network adapter from the drop down menu and ensure that "Allow management operating system to share this network adapter" is selected.
    3. Select "Enable virtual LAN detection for management operating system". For the VLAN enter 434.
  5. Open the Hyper V Manager application. You will see the hostname of your computer on the left side. Select this object and click on "New → Virtual Machine".
  6. For the name of the Virtual Machine use "UMC-T1-XXXX" where XXXX is the hostname of your tier 2 machine (for example, UCAD-02).
  7. Select Generation 2.
  8. For the memory it is recommended to at least have 8,192 MB allocated and for dynamic memory to be selected.
  9. For Configure Networking you are going to want to select the virtual switch that you configured in step 4.
  10. Select "Create New Virtual Hard Disk". Browse to the location where you would like it to be located in your file system. You can adjust the size of the hard disk to your desired amount. The default of 127 GB is usually fine.
  11. For installation options select "Install operating system from a bootable image file". Browse to the location of your ISO that you selected in step 2.
  12. Now you can complete the creation of your virtual machine. There are still a couple settings that you must change before starting it up.
    1. Select the Virtual Machine you just created in the middle pane. Click on "Settings" on the right pane.
    2. You can adjust the memory from here if you want to add/or remove any RAM.
    3. The default number of virtual processors is 1. It is recommended for you to change this to at least 2.
    4. Select "Network Adapter".
      1. Select the virtual switch you created in step 4.
      2. Select "enable virtual LAN identification." For the VLAN enter the VLAN for your tier 2 network (1342 for ITB/French Admin, 1343 for Alumni Relations and 1348 for Cooper).
  13. Now you can boot up your virtual machine. You will have to follow the installation steps the first time you boot it up. Once complete, rename the virtual machine and join it to the domain under the name you created in step 3.