Add an Organization & Addresses
Issue – Need to add a new organization and addresses in myWSU.
Resolution –
Step 1 – Go to Main Menu>Campus Community>Organization>Create/Maintain Organizations>Organization Table

Click on the Add a New Value tab. Leave the external org ID with New and then click the Add button.
Step 2 – Fill in the following data. If you are adding a new school to the myWSU you must change the effective date to be 01/01/1901. If it is a business, use the current date.

You can click on the Additional Information link to add information about the organization. Click OK after entering the information.

You must save before you can enter location and contact information.
You will get a possible match list of duplicates. If not on list, click the Return button.

You will then get this message, click OK. If you find a duplicate, you will make that selection. You can use the Carry ID and it will open a new window for review. If it is a duplicate, you can go back to the Search by using Cancel and the original organization will not be created.

If you get this message then the Integration broker isn't working correctly, contact Tech Support.

You may also get this message, which is also means that the system isn't talking to DEV or Integration Broker.

If it is successfully saved, you will be able to see the External ID has been assigned and are able to continue with the next steps.

Step 2 –
Click on the Locations Button.

Then click on the Location Detail tab.

Description and short description on the location tab is Mailing and Mail, Country, email address, web address, if applicable, phone type, phone number and click the preferred box.
Click on the Edit Address and fill in the address of the organization and click OK.
Once all the location data is completed click OK.

Step 3 – Active locations.
Click on the magnifying glass on Primary location and select the appropriate location.

Then click on Contacts in the Active Contacts section.

Once you have completed filling out the form, click Ok. Then on the Primary Contact click on the magnifying glass and choose the appropriate contact.
Step 4 –
If you need to complete the department section, you will fill it out like the Location section was filled out and then choose the primary department.

Step 5 –
Vendor information. If the business is one that sells to or purchases from WSU you will need to fill in the Vendor ID and Taxpayer ID.

Then click SAVE.