
This page will provide information on requesting and configuring a UPay site.

Much of the configuration information on this page comes from the following resources:

Site Setup and Configuration

Prior to updating your application, you will need to submit a request for the Bursar office to create and configure your UPay site in the test environment.

Requesting a UPay site:

To request a UPay site, login to your Workday account and search for: Create Request.  Request Type > All > Touchnet Marketplace

    • You will need to provide worktags of each Touchnet accounting code needed for your UPay site.
    • There will be setup and maintenance fees required for each UPay site.

Once the UPay test site is set up and you have an account, you can access and adjust the configuration by login into: Touchnet U.Commerce Central

  • Go to: Applications > Marketplace > Test > Sites > (site name)

Your UPay site configuration and settings are broken out into several pages.  Some of the more important settings and information are noted below:

Payment Settings

Accounting Settings

Most of these values will depend on your specific needs.

Perform General Ledger Updates: Yes

Accounting Code: Select your default accounting code set up by the Bursar. *If your site will be using more than one accounting code, you will need to include the Accounting Code(s) and the corresponding Amount(s) in your post

General Settings

General Settings

Site Id:  This is a numerical value unique to each uPay site. The value is displayed in the Form Parameters page for the uPay site.  You will need this to post data.

Site Status: Set to Enabled when you are ready to start testing.

Posting Settings

Most of these values will depend on your specific needs.  For developers the most important settings are:

Posting URL:  The URL of your application that will receive the post back from UPay.

Additional Posting Value:  You will want to put something here, such has the WSU ID field name, or UPay dose not return any values in the post back.  Note that UPay posts an HTML form to the post back page containing the post back values.

Postback Requirements:

Before you can receive any postback data, Touchnet will need to whitelist your server IP and port and add the root certificate of your postback url to their certificate trust.

  • Work with the Bursar to provide your test and prod IP, port, and postback url.

Success Link Settings

Add the URL of your application's return page here.

UPay only sends the UPAY_SITE_ID (as a URL parameter) to the success link URL (for example "https://<your_site>/Return.html?UPAY_SITE_ID=1234")  It does not post additional values like the post back page.

Error Link Settings

Add the URL to your application's error page (if needed) here.

Cancel Link Settings

Add the URL you want users to be redirected to if they cancel a payment here.

Form Parameters

This page lists the UPay provided parameters, showing which are required and which are optional.  This page also lets you create custom parameters and also specify if they should appear in reports/searches, etc.

You can find this page by going to: Touchnet U.Commerce Central > Applications > Marketplace > Test > Sites > (site name) > form parameters.

In order for UPay to take action on passed parameters (such as prepopulating the billing address fields or the dollar amount field), the parameters must be named as described in the Form Parameters section.

Custom Parameters 

It is highly recommended you identify and create custom parameters for your web site if applicable like the below example.

Parameter Name

Display Name

WSU_USER_IDWSU student/employee ID number

Site Configuration Testing

Touchnet provides a way to submit a form and test your UPay site configuration.

There are options to test:

  • Passing just the required UPAY_SITE_ID
  • Passing additional parameters
  • Passing additional recurring parameters

To view payments submitted through these forms, go to: Touchnet U.Commerce Central > Applications > Marketplace > Test > Sites > (site) > Payment Search.

Moving Site to Production

Once your UPay site has been fully tested and is ready for Production you will need to work with the Bursar Office (bursar.touchnetadmin@wsu.edu) to get your site configuration, accounting codes, and access set up in Production.