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From a computer outside the EECS Network:

Make sure that you have followed the instructions to use FTP to access your EECS home directory found here. Now,  follow the instructions for a computer inside the EECS Network below.

From a computer on the EECS Network

  1. Create a new directory (or find the existing one) in your Z drive (or home directory) called public_html.
    1. This folder, under your EECS username is your website folder. Any file that your website needs has to be in this folder.

  2. Move into this directory, and create a new file called index.html.

  3. From a web browser, navigate to (Replace "your_eecs_username" with your actual EECS username)

  4. Now, use your favorite text editor to edit the index.html file using HTML.

    If you are unfamiliar with HTML, see this link from w3schools for an introduction.

EECS - Connecting to home directories using SFTP

w3schools HTML Introduction