
How to configure a scheduling policy for a Microsoft Bookings calendar.


A Bookings scheduling policy is set for the entire calendar. Please Note - If you would like to set policies at the appointment level please see Setting Appointment (Services) Type.

1. When viewing a Bookings calendar, select the "Booking Page" menu item in Settings.

2. Under "Default scheduling policy" review the following settings:

  • Time increments - Determines the intervals between appointments. For example an interval of 15 minutes means a customer could schedule a 60 minute appointment at 8:00, 8:15, 8:30, and so on.
  • Minimum lead time - Minimum time for bookings and cancellations
  • Maximum lead time - Maximum number of days in advance a Booking can be made.
  • Email notifications - Configure whether the calendar will receive an email when a booking is created/changed. Also configure whether a meeting invite is sent to the customer in addition to the confirmation email.
  • Staff - Toggle whether customers can select the staff member they would like to meet with.
  • Availability - Adjustments to these settings are only needed if changes need to be made beyond the typical availability of a staff member.
    • General availability - Select custom hours, not bookable, or when a staff member is free.
    • Availability during these dates - Restrict the availability of appointments for the calendar to a specific date range. You may set multiple date ranges by selecting "Set different availability for a date range".