
As a Panopto user, your video content resides in one of two states, On Demand and Archived.

  • On Demand - content is immediately available for use.
  • Archive - content can be retrieved and made available within 48 hours of request.

WSU’s instance of Panopto features a rule for archiving content that has not been viewed for 13 months. When this archiving rule was implemented, content from as far back as 2014 was moved to the archive, quickly surpassing capacity.


To manage the Panopto content in the archive, older, unused content will be deleted on a schedule that is in accord with WSU Records Retention and Disposition Policy

The deletion rule will be enabled on March 31, 2023, and applies to archived content that has not been viewed since December 31, 2019. This rule will roll forward, applying to content that has been archived and has not been viewed for forty (39) months. i.e. On April 30, 2023, content that has been archived and has not been viewed since January 31, 2020 will qualify for deletion. 

More information on archive and deletion rules can be found in the article Panopto Archive Management.


Archived Panopto content that has not been viewed in four years will be deleted at the end of the current term.

This timeframe may be adjusted going forward depending on use and available archive space. While communications with instructors and departments will be sent in advance of deletion or of any changes to this schedule, it is the user's responsibility to move their content from the archive if they intend to retain it.


On Demand content in active courses will not be impacted when the archive is maintained. This process focuses on old content that is no longer being used with courses.

Keeping the amount of content in the archive within the scope of our agreement with Panopto will prevent the incursion of extra cost and increase the overall value of resources.

Restoring Content:

In some cases, a user may wish to retain video content that was moved to the archive due to the criteria of having not being viewed 13 months.

The Panopto article “How to Restore Archived Content" provides greater detail on restoring video content from the archive. Please note, the restore process takes 48 hours to complete.

Policy Reference:

Class Examinations, Papers, Assignments, Agreements, Correspondence

WSU Records Retention and Disposition policy dictates a one (1) year retention policy for ungraded class content, Class Examinations, Papers, Assignments, Agreements, Correspondence

Provides a record of student examination, papers, projects, and other assignments completed by students in fulfillment of course or degree requirements. Includes, but is not limited to, agreements or contracts between students and professors for design and implementation of special projects, independent study, and/or research; hardcopy materials not retrieved by the students after they are graded; electronically-stored student materials retained by the instructor or department; class materials, online discussions and e-mail, generated by or maintained in the electronic learning management system.               

Academic Department* Retain for 1 year after end of term, then destroy. (11-12-63441 Rev. 1) retrieved 02/07/2023